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Sand sculpture to save Olive Ridley Turtles by Sudarsan Pattnaik

>> Thursday, December 17, 2015

International Sand Artist Sudarsan Pattnaik has created a beautiful Sand Art to Save Olive Ridley Turtles at Puri Beach with a message "Love Us Save Us". This will help in increasing awareness among all to save the endangered species.

Sand sculpture to save Olive Ridley Turtles by Sudarsan Pattnaik with message "Love Us Save Us" 

Olive Ridley Turtles face many threat to their survival.
  • Human predation in the nesting habitat for meat and leather
  • Collection of eggs for consumption
  • Permanent destruction of the nesting habitat through coastal degradation and development
  • Incidental capture (by catch) - collateral damage to the practices of shrimp trawling and commercial fishing
  • Climate Change
  • Pollution


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